Shopify: How to create a customer segment from a customer tag

Shopify allows you to create customer segments based on customer tags, enabling targeted marketing and promotions. Here's how to do it.
April 16, 2024

Hi there. We've previously discussed the advantages and elements of customer segmentation in Shopify. It's a powerful tool to divide your audience based on shared characteristics for targeted discounts or marketing campaigns. So we won't revisit all of that today, while you can always refer to our in-depth article here for more insights.

Surprisingly, we've noticed a lack of detailed information online on what should be a pretty usual operation. How to segment customers based on customer tags in Shopify. So we decided to whip up a concise guide here to steer you in the right direction.

How to create a customer segment from a customer tag in Shopify

Creating a new customer segment in Shopify is rather simple if you have previously tagged the customers you want to segment. In most cases, it's an app that tags the customers based on relevant criteria and/or captured data. You could also tag them manually in Shopify's Customers admin panel or use semi-automatic methods like workflows or imports.

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin and navigate to Customers > Segments
  2. Click the Create Segment button on top
  3. Click the Filters box and enter or select a filter with a format similar to the one below, where you have to replace 'custom_tag' by the name of your tag:
    customer_tags CONTAINS 'custom_tag'
  4. Optionally, add more filters if needed. You can combine multiple filters using connectors (AND, OR) to create more complex segments based on additional criteria like purchase history, location, etc.
  5. Click Apply Filter to preview the segment and see how many customers meet the criteria. Review the list and click on Save Segment to save the segment and give it a name. Done.
Customer segment from a customer tag in Shopify

More about customer tags and segments

While segmentation is increasingly popular as a way to categorize customers, tagging continues to hold undeniable benefits. Especially in the absence of a more robust support for segments in Shopify. For instance, tags are accessible in Shopify's templating language, liquid, whereas customer segments aren't.

By creating a segment based on a tag, you can leverage features available to both tags and segments. You could, say, create semi-automated discounts for a specific customer segment or use various email marketing apps that can only, at present, be configured with customer tags.

If you are interested in adding customer tags automatically and collecting additional data for segmentation, our Custom Forms plugin is worth checking out. This feature allows you to create custom registration and profile forms to gather any extra data you need. This data is stored in metafields, that you can use to segment your customers. And they also support auto-tagging customers.

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